A Warm West Coast Welcome to 2024 paddling
Race report by Faz Perin, 10km SUP paddler….
This year’s entry to the event was seamless!
The West Coast Canoe Club kept us up to date via their Facebook page with all the relevant info and routes, and the registration on the morning was quick and efficient.
The weather was great for the event – sunny with a cool breeze. It ensured a good workout, paddling against the wind and tide simultaneously, and the breeze was a great relief.
The new course for the 10km race this year was the best one so far, and the wind conditions allowed us the opportunity to explore the river on both sides of the bridge.

As always, the “West Coast Gees” that comes with this race is phenomenal! Paddling with so many contestants all enjoying the water and the sport, is a sweet satisfaction that brings happiness. The support from fellow paddlers on the water, as well as residents in the bay, is heart warming and much appreciated.

The prize giving is always good fun with loads of incredible prizes with Appliance City as the main sponsor for the lucky draw.
This year I was the lucky winner of a beaut of a steam iron. Now, I just need to teach my my kids how to use it!
The results for all paddlers are in the images below:

Thanks to the SUPSA organisers, Etienne Laubscher from WCCC, Oscar Chalupsky for an inspirational talk, as well as all the organisers and sponsors to make this event a fabulous start to a new year of paddling. Thank you!

Paddling is for all ages and stages of life. Don’t be afraid to join the local SUP events. It’s not about winning.
Stand-up paddling is about leisure and fun, connecting with other water-loving folk, and spending time out in nature, which is rejuvenating every time!
This year SUPSA plans to focus on social paddling, so get ready to come and join us. No matter what board, no matter what your age. If you can swim, you can paddle with us. Bring your friends and family too!
Keep an eye on our calendar link below for the social events.
SUPSA 2024 calendar
For more Velddrif 2024 race images, click to view our Facebook race album:
http://StandUpPaddlingSA on FB race images