Canoeing SA & Surfing SA incorporating SUPSA

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The attached Media Directive from the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture is self explanatory. Please read it thoroughly in order to understand the directives from the Minister of Sport.
Surfing South Africa will make an official announcement regarding the outcome of our submission once we receive this information from the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture.
Surfers from all over South Africa has questioned the strict regulations against surfing while people are allowed to walk, jog and cycle between 6 am and 9 am during Level 4 of our lockdown. Surfing South Africa has submitted an appeal to the Minister to allow surfers, including shortboard surfers, longboard surfers, bodyboarders, kneeboarders, para-surfers, stand up paddlers and recognised affiliates, to have access to the ocean via the beach during the COVID-19 pandemic.
As stated in this statement, submitted by Surfing South Africa, “surfing is a healthy, solo exercize that provides high levels of fitness and mental agility to thousands of individuals of all ages and walk of life.”
We received a statement from SSA providing us with clarity around beaches and surfing in level 4. For now – beaches are still closed and there are heavy restrictions on social gathering. We want to encourage you to share your creative water-ways and workouts with us. Let’s keep fit for that first sunrise, when we will again feel the ocean breeze on our salty skin. Let us support our governing bodies so that we can get to the water sooner. You can download the statement, here.
15 March 2020
In accordance with President Cyril Ramaphosa’s speech, this evening, the SUPSA SA Stand-Up & Paddleboarding Championships 2020 in Port Alfred has been postponed.
SUPSA (Stand-Up Paddling South Africa) will be meeting to confirm new dates for the event and will confirm all details as soon as it is finalised. We will be communicating all decisions on email communication, the SUPSA website, as well as social media platforms, including Whats App and Facebook, to ensure clear and defined information.
Kindly, Mandy Scanlen
SUPSA President