

Mariner’s Wharf SUP Challenge – Hout Bay – SUPSA Sanctioned

To all the out of town paddlers who need to book flights and a place to stay, this event is on Saturday the 15th of August. Registration will be on the beach from 9:00am and starting between 10am and 11am and expect to to be done by 1:30pm. The race will be between 8km and 10km depending on ocean conditions.
PFD and a leash are required!
You do not need to be SUPSA registered member, this is done on the day.

There will be a short course of around 3km so everyone is welcome to come try out SUP racing on what ever craft you have – no SUPSA points in short course event.

If we have calm waters we will have some fun and games events afterwards too.

Please feel free to call the event organiser, Guy Bubb, on 0827890411 for further enquiries. Or you can email him:

Paddle hard, paddle fast, & have fun.